At the begining of October, more precisely from 3rd to 7th of October, we took part on prestige intercontinental competition MotoStudent which was held on FIM racetrack Motorland Aragon. Full year of hard work has passed on our new FRM2 with number 22 resulting in great standing in competiton of 45 other teams. We are especially proud on 5th place in „Best Innovation“ discipline which was earned with our 3D printed and optimized intake manifold. Great results were also achieved in following: „Best Industrial Project“ – 7th place and „Best Design“ – 8th place. Race, which was the main event of the competition, we finished 18th, which placed us on 20th place overall.
We are grateful to everyone who recognised our effort, vision and strain and helped with the realisation of our project.
More photos can be found in the gallery below.